Hourglass Chart
Erin Patricia Coleman

Nora Stewart Amata's mother the former First Lady of American Samoa Coleman ‎(I6)‎
Birth 11 February 1920 24 22 -- Honolulu Hawaii
Death 31 May 1941 ‏(Age 21)‏ -- Honolulu Hawaii
Harry K. Stewart Sr. Nora's Father ‎(I12)‎
Birth 1896 43 37
Death 1939 ‏(Age 43)‏
Ellen Niolopa Poepoe Henry-Lucia's #2 daughter. Nora's Mother ‎(I13)‎
Birth 3 June 1897 24 24 -- Honolulu, Hawaiii
Death 1986 ‏(Age 88)‏ -- Honolulu, Hawaiii