恩集 EnJi "諱 澤南,Hide name isZenan, 号 成章,pseudonym is Chengzhang" 鄺 Kuang ‏(Fong)‏ 二十四世本祖‎(本譜执笔人之祖))‎ The twenty-fourth generation direct ancestor 玖慶嗣子Jiuqing's stepson 鰲慶次子Aoqing's #2 son 二十四世本祖‎(本譜执笔人之祖))‎ The twenty-fourth generation direct ancestor, 玖慶嗣子Jiuqing's stepson, 鰲慶次子Aoqing's #2 son  ‏(I149)‏
Given Names: 恩集 EnJi
Surname: 鄺 Kuang ‏(Fong)‏
Name Suffix: 二十四世本祖‎(本譜执笔人之祖))‎ The twenty-fourth generation direct ancestor, 玖慶嗣子Jiuqing's stepson, 鰲慶次子Aoqing's #2 son
Nickname: 諱 澤南,Hide name isZenan, 号 成章,pseudonym is Chengzhang
Romanized: Enji Kuang
Note: 恩集先生生於清乾隆甲寅年(西元1794年)八月初一日申時,死于清咸豐戊午年(西元1858年)五月十三日辰時。陳氏生於清乾隆甲寅年(西元1794年)八月二十九日丑時,死于清同治丁卯年(西元1867年)三月初五日未時。李氏的出生和死亡時間失去記錄。李氏的墓在得龍村後山,稱作兩犬相融形,醜未兼癸丁。思集先生諱名為澤南,號成章,牌位在沖雲圩鄺氏宗祠第三座左邊二十三位公神主,水口溯源西座左邊第八位公神主,大鎮祖祠副座右十三級左第十三位公神主。Mr.EnJi was born in 1794 and died in 1858. Chen surname was born in 1794 and died in 1867. Li surname's time of birth and death lost records. Li surname's tomb is located at LongCunHouShan. Its called LiangQuanXiangRongXing. Mr. EnJi's Hide name is ZeNan, and his pseudonym is ChengZhang. The memorial tablet is located on the left side of the third building of Kuang surname's ancestral hall in ChongYunWei, the eighth building on the left side of ShuiKouShuoYuan West Building, and the thirteenth building on the right side of the thirteenth building on the right side of the auxiliary building of DaZhen Ancestral Hall.

Gender: MaleMale

Birth: 1 August 1794
Death: 13 May 1858 ‏(Age 63)‏