自鵬 ZiPeng 鄺 Kuang ‏(Fong)‏ 二十世本祖The twentieth generation direct ancestor 國琦四子Guoqi's #4 son 二十世本祖The twentieth generation direct ancestor, 國琦四子Guoqi's #4 son  ‏(I157)‏
Given Names: 自鵬 ZiPeng
Surname: 鄺 Kuang ‏(Fong)‏
Name Suffix: 二十世本祖The twentieth generation direct ancestor, 國琦四子Guoqi's #4 son
Romanized: Zipeng kuang
Note: 他的墓在鵝凹村後山頂,稱作嘯天龍形。朱氏的墓在水松蓢東邊籬仔坑,稱作龍山口上穴。自鵬先生有田產數鬥,在水松蓢,田產的收益作為龍山的祭掃費用。His tomb is at the top of the mountain at the back of ErAoCun and its called XiaoTianLongXing. Zhu surname's tomb is located in ShuiSongLangDongBianLiZaiKeng, and its called LongShanKouShangXue. Mr.ZiPeng owns several acres of land in ShuiSongLang, and the income is used as the cost for the sacrificial sweep of LongShan.

Gender: MaleMale

Death: Yes