鰲慶 AoQing鄺 Kuang ‏(Fong)‏ 二十三世本生叔祖The twenty-third generation direct uncle ancestors 崇徏三子ChongZhi's #3 son 二十三世本生叔祖The twenty-third generation direct uncle ancestors 崇徏三子ChongZhi's #3 son,次子恩集出嗣到玖慶His second Son EnJi Adopted to JiuQing.  ‏(I289)‏
Given Names: 鰲慶 AoQing
Surname: 鄺 Kuang ‏(Fong)‏
Name Suffix: 二十三世本生叔祖The twenty-third generation direct uncle ancestors 崇徏三子ChongZhi's #3 son,次子恩集出嗣到玖慶His second Son EnJi Adopted to JiuQing.
Romanized: Aoqing Kuang
Note: 璈慶先生出生于清乾隆丁亥年(西元1767年)二月初六日丑時,死于清道光甲午年(西元1834年)八月二十九日巳時。黃氏出生於清乾隆戊子年(西元1768年)十月二十七日戌時,死清道光丙午年(西元1846年)三月二十九日卯時。Mr.AoQing was born in 1767 and died in 1834.Huang surname was born in 1768 and died in 1846.

Gender: MaleMale