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other info aunty has shared was great grandmother lucia's father was a rice mill owner so they were pretty well off & had maids & she never had to work till she married great grandfather henry poepoe. up to then she enjoyed pursuits such as embroidering, sipping tea,all the activities of an aristocratic family. as a member of
henry's family she was treated like a slave ‏( the very words she used)‏
working from dawn to dusk cleaning, washing, fetching water from the well, etc.
she did tell me bef. her death that is what caused her severely hunched back besides bearing and raising 11 children. nevertheless , lucia was a very devoted mother and wife till her death. i remember her sweeping and washing the floors on her knees until her early 90's. but , believe it or not she still kept up w/ her reading of the time magazine,
bible, etc. till her last days too. what a remarkable woman! when we
sometimes drive through waikane on windward o'ahu where she was raised , i wonder where her home & the rice paddies might have been & how beautiful life must have been then.

per Myrtle Stewart


1I0023Awai, Lucia Amoe Keliipoohinaoloeau

Total individuals : 1