新德 XinDe 鄺 Kuang ‏(Fong)‏ 二十六世先伯,The twenty-sixth generation of older uncle 愛有長子 Aiyou's #1 son, 失去記錄 Lost record. 二十六世先伯,The twenty-sixth generation of older uncle, 愛有長子 Aiyou's #1 son, 失去記錄, Lost record.
愛有 AiYou "号 仁甫,pseudonym is Renfu. 諱 兆慈,Hide name is Zhaoci." 鄺 Kuang ‏(Fong)‏ 二十五世本祖 The twenty-fifth generation direct ancestor 恩集四子 EnJi's #4 son
TBD朱氏 愛有妻子Aiyou's wife