Compact Chart:
銑敬 XianJing "字 錦逵,Style name is JinDa" 鄺 Kuang ‏(Fong)‏ 二十七世兄,The twenty-seventh generation of older brother 滋德次子 ZiDe's #2 son

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玖慶JiuQing 鄺 Kuang ‏(Fong)‏ 二十三世本祖The twenty-third generation direct ancestor 崇徏長子ChongZhi's #1 son 二十三世本祖The twenty-third generation direct ancestor, 崇徏長子ChongZhi's #1 son
1756-1779 ‏(23)‏
Compact Chart: I152
恩集 EnJi "諱 澤南,Hide name isZenan, 号 成章,pseudonym is Chengzhang" 鄺 Kuang ‏(Fong)‏ 二十四世本祖‎(本譜执笔人之祖))‎ The twenty-fourth generation direct ancestor 玖慶嗣子Jiuqing's stepson 鰲慶次子Aoqing's #2 son 二十四世本祖‎(本譜执笔人之祖))‎ The twenty-fourth generation direct ancestor, 玖慶嗣子Jiuqing's stepson, 鰲慶次子Aoqing's #2 son
1794-1858 ‏(63)‏
Compact Chart: I149 愛有 AiYou "号 仁甫,pseudonym is Renfu. 諱 兆慈,Hide name is Zhaoci." 鄺 Kuang ‏(Fong)‏ 二十五世本祖 The twenty-fifth generation direct ancestor 恩集四子 EnJi's #4 son
1832-1892 ‏(60)‏
Compact Chart: I150 TBDChen&Li
TBD 陈氏&李氏 恩集妻子們Enji's wives

1794-1867 ‏(72)‏
Compact Chart: I366Compact Chart: I16
TBD 余氏 玖慶妻子Jiuqing's wife
滋德 ZiDe 鄺 Kuang ‏(Fong)‏ 二十六世先父祖 The twenty-sixth generation father 愛有次子 AiYou's #2 son
1869-1836 ‏()‏
Compact Chart: I15 銑敬 XianJing "字 錦逵,Style name is JinDa" 鄺 Kuang ‏(Fong)‏ 二十七世兄,The twenty-seventh generation of older brother 滋德次子 ZiDe's #2 son
Compact Chart: I21
TBD黄氏 滋德妻子Zide's wife
1867-1903 ‏(36)‏
 Compact Chart: I17
TBD朱氏 愛有妻子Aiyou's wife
1841-1913 ‏(72)‏