Compact Chart:
鰲慶 AoQing鄺 Kuang ‏(Fong)‏ 二十三世本生叔祖The twenty-third generation direct uncle ancestors 崇徏三子ChongZhi's #3 son 二十三世本生叔祖The twenty-third generation direct uncle ancestors 崇徏三子ChongZhi's #3 son,次子恩集出嗣到玖慶His second Son EnJi Adopted to JiuQing.

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國琦 GuoQi "字 隆玨,Style name is Longjue" 鄺 Kuang ‏(Fong)‏ 十九世本祖The nineteenth generation direct ancestors 領所次子Lingsuo's #2 son
Compact Chart: I159
自鵬 ZiPeng 鄺 Kuang ‏(Fong)‏ 二十世本祖The twentieth generation direct ancestor 國琦四子Guoqi's #4 son 二十世本祖The twentieth generation direct ancestor, 國琦四子Guoqi's #4 son
Compact Chart: I157 天仰 TianYang 鄺 Kuang ‏(Fong)‏ 二十一世本祖The twenty-first generation direct ancestor 自鵬兒子Zipeng's son 二十一世本祖The twenty-first generation direct ancestor, 自鵬兒子Zipeng's son
Compact Chart: I158 TBD 朱氏 自鵬妻子Zipeng's wife
Compact Chart: I160Compact Chart: I155
TBD 朱氏&黃氏&譚氏 國琦妻子們Guoqi's wives(朱氏21歲,未過門,Zhu surname is 21 years old she did not enter GuoQi's family life) 國琦妻子們Guoqi's wives(朱氏21歲,未過門,Zhu surname is 21 years old, she did not enter GuoQi's family life)

崇徏ChongZhi 鄺 Kuang ‏(Fong)‏ 二十二世本祖The twenty-second generation direct ancestors 天仰四子Tianyang's #4 son 二十二世本祖The twenty-second generation direct ancestors, 天仰四子Tianyang's #4 son
1730-1784 ‏(53)‏
Compact Chart: I153 鰲慶 AoQing鄺 Kuang ‏(Fong)‏ 二十三世本生叔祖The twenty-third generation direct uncle ancestors 崇徏三子ChongZhi's #3 son 二十三世本生叔祖The twenty-third generation direct uncle ancestors 崇徏三子ChongZhi's #3 son,次子恩集出嗣到玖慶His second Son EnJi Adopted to JiuQing.
Compact Chart: I154
TBD 李氏 崇徏妻子ChongZhi's wife
1730-1779 ‏(49)‏
 Compact Chart: I156
TBD 黃氏 天仰妻子Tianyang's wife