雲山 Yunshan 鄺 Kuang ‏(Fong)‏ 十二世本祖The twelfth generation direct ancestor 同祖嗣子Tongzu's stepson 弘祖三子Hongzu's #3 son 十二世本祖The twelfth generation direct ancestor, 同祖嗣子Tongzu's stepson, 弘祖三子Hongzu's #3 son + TBDZhen

Children  ‎(3 children)‎

Parents Grandparents


Family Group Information   (F70)
Last Change 16 November 2019 - 22:25:59

His tomb is located diagonally opposite the overhand of ChongYun ZhongXinCun. Its local name is LuoChongAo. It is called HuShanWangZiSue. Mr. YunShan's tomb is on the left. Mr. GuoAn's tomb is on the right. Mr. YunShan and Mr. GuoAn share the same grave.

Zhen surname's tomb is located at the back of ChongYun YangTangCun, also known as the back of ZhongXinCun. It is called A’PoFen.