一聲 YiSheng 鄺 Kuang ‏(Fong)‏ 三世本祖The third-generation direct ancestor 諄次子Zhun's #2 son. 三世本祖The third-generation direct ancestor, 諄次子Zhun's #2 son. + TBDXiao

Children  ‎(1 child)‎

Parents Grandparents

Family Group Information   (F81)
Last Change 3 October 2019 - 01:24:49

Mr. YiSheng's first son Kun lives in KaiPing Pan village. Mr. YiSheng's second son Xing moves to Taishan ChongYun. In the beginning, his descendant migrated from HuiZhou to XinHui GuQinDu of GuangZhou. later, they moved to KaiPing, Pan village, XinHui, XiaoGang, TianTai, XiangShan, DouMen, XiaoHao, YongHeShan, WuKeng JinHaoLi, EnPing, YangJiang, YangChun and TaiShan. The ancestral tomb at XinHui JianHuoMoJin. The tomb of Xiao surname and Zeng surname is located outside the north gate of XinHui city. The name of the tomb is TianZiDi.

The tomb of Xiao surname and Zeng surname is located outside the north gate of XinHui city. The name of the tomb is TianZiDi.