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Families with surname 甄氏

1F77I191鄺 Kuang ‏(Fong)‏, 道真 Daozhen 五世本祖The fifth generation direct ancestor 興次子Xing's #2 son 五世本祖The fifth generation direct ancestor, 興次子Xing's #2 son道真 DAOZHEN I192Zhen, TBDTBD     UW
2F70I177鄺 Kuang ‏(Fong)‏, 雲山 Yunshan 十二世本祖The twelfth generation direct ancestor 同祖嗣子Tongzu's stepson 弘祖三子Hongzu's #3 son 十二世本祖The twelfth generation direct ancestor, 同祖嗣子Tongzu's stepson, 弘祖三子Hongzu's #3 son雲山 YUNSHAN I178Zhen, TBDTBD    3UY
Given Names

Total families : 2
HUSB:GIVN Given Names