隅谷 鄺 Kuang ‏(Fong)‏ 十四世本祖The fourteenth generation direct ancestor 金華五子Jinhua's #5 son 十四世本祖The fourteenth generation direct ancestor, 金華五子Jinhua's #5 son  ‏(I173)‏
Given Names: 隅谷
Surname: 鄺 Kuang ‏(Fong)‏
Name Suffix: 十四世本祖The fourteenth generation direct ancestor, 金華五子Jinhua's #5 son
Romanized: Yugu Kuang
Note: 他的墓在淡村朱姓水西牛山金華的妻子朱氏的墳左側,馮氏的墓在嶺背三家村上方,土名阿婆墳,稱作海馬朝雲形。他的子孫居住在嶺背一帶、松蓢、牛路、五指山、馬頭、大塘、旗背、下三都,有一部分子孫遷移到中山縣。His tomb is located on ZhuXingShuiXiNiuShan of DangCun, on the left side of Mr. Jinhua’s wife Zhu surname’s tomb, the tomb of Zhu's wife, Feng surname's tomb is located on SanJiaCun of LingBei. It is called A’PoFen, called HaiMaChaoYunXing. His descendants live in LingBei, SongLang, NiuLu, WuZhiShan, MaTou, DaTang, QiBei and XiaSanDu. Some of them migrated to ZhongShan County. 隅谷,葬于水西長安村牛母憶子,妣馮氏葬於嶺背三家村右上側名亞婆墳,喝作海馬朝雲穴。湯舉公陪葬于馮氏墳左側,廷立陪葬于右手邊,山墳仍存在。YuGu was buried in NiuMuYiZi, ShuiXiChangAn Village, and YuGu's wife Feng surname was buried in the upper right side of SanJia village in LingBei, the local name is APoFen, also called HaiMaChaoYunXue. TangJu was buried on the left side of YuGu's wife Feng surname's grave, while TingLi was buried on the right side of Feng surname's grave, Feng surname's grave which still exists.

Gender: MaleMale

Death: Yes