諄 Zhun "號 愈平,別號 念十二公。his pseudonym is Yuping. His alias is NianShiSanGong" 鄺 Kuang ‏(Fong)‏ 二世本祖 The second generation direct ancestor.昆四子Kun's #4 son. 二世本祖 The second generation direct ancestor.奎四子Kun's #4 son.  ‏(I201)‏
Given Names: 諄 Zhun
Surname: 鄺 Kuang ‏(Fong)‏
Nickname: 號 愈平,別號 念十二公。his pseudonym is Yuping. His alias is NianShiSanGong
Romanized: Zhun Kuang
Name Suffix: 二世本祖 The second generation direct ancestor.奎四子Kun's #4 son.
Note: 他的子孫居住在龍川、東莞、新會、臺山、香山、恩平、開平、鶴山、陽江、陽春等縣,又遷徙到江西甘州長寧縣。諄先生,有二個女兒,大女兒淑麗,被宋高宗設立為皇妃,皇妃墓在惠州河源縣城西南,土名桂山,現在的名字妃子地,諄先生被宋高宗賜與鄺姓,任刑部尚書,諄先生被皇帝封為宣城候,把他的領地改名為宣城。諄先生有三個兒子,一元、一聲、一俊。諄先生的第二個女兒,嫁給了沖灃的陳姓第二代祖先,輝,號鳳,職位為刑部議大夫待郞。諄先生與何氏的墓在惠州河源縣,馮氏的墓在新會華蓋山,俗稱狗眠崗。his descendant lived in Longchuan, dongguan, Xinhui, Taishan, Xiangshan,Enping, Kaiping, Heshan, Yangjiang, Yangchun and other counties, then they moved to Changning county, Ganzhou, Jiangxi province.Mr. Zhun, He has two daughters, the eldest daughter Shuli, she was set up by Song dynasty Gaozong as the Imperial Consort. The Imperial Consort's tomb is located in the southwest of Heyuan County, Huizhou. It’s called Guishan, and now is called FeiZiDi. Mr. Zhun was given the surname Kuang by Song Gaozong, and he is in charge of justice and prisons nationwide Mr.Zhun was named XuanChengHou by the emperor and his territory was renamed XuanCheng. Mr.Zhun has three sons, Yiyuan, Yisheng, YiJun.Mr.Zhun’s second daughter married with Chen surname second-generation ancestor, Hui, pseudonym is Feng, who was appointed as the deputy doctor of the Ministry of punishments.His position is assistant minister of punishments.Mr. Zhun and He surname’s tomb is in HeYuan county, HuiZhou, and Feng surname’s tomb is in HuaGai mountain, XinHui. commonly known as GouMianGang.諄公諱念十三,號愈平,出生于扬州城,长于南海扶南大镇尚书郎里。幼年好学,經纶满腹,弱冠登科,年华二十,绍兴十七年丁卯岁登科进士,任京城尹,受誥封宣城侯爵,官于临安达六十年之久。后辞官南归,定居河源城北廓,安享天年,享寿九十一岁。Zhun Gong, his pseudonym is Yuping. His alias is NianShiSanGong. he was born in Yangzhou City and grew up in ShangShuLangLi, FuNanDaZhen, NanHai City. He likes to study since childhood and has a lot of knowledge. In 1147AD, when he was twenty years old, he was admitted to Jinshi and served as JingChengDaYin. Emperor Gaozong of Song Dynasty raised him "Xuancheng Hou", and he was an official in LinAn ‏(now Hangzhou)‏ for sixty years. Later, he resigned from his official position, moved his family to the south, settled in the north corner of HeYuan City, and enjoyed his old age.諄公,號愈平,宋時官至太君兵部尚書,累升太子太保,封侯爵。由廣州扶南坊遷至惠州府河源縣城娶何氏,新會娶馮氏,生三子,長子一元、次子一聲、三子一俊。諄公與何氏合葬在惠州府河源縣,土名旗山寶鴨下池形腮上穴丁未之原石柱為記號。馮氏夫人葬在新會縣西門外太華山萬壽寺,土名狗連崗,長孫公昭與妣黎氏陪葬於墳內。Zhun, style name is YuPing, His official title was TaiJunBingBuShangShu in Song Dynasty, and was promoted to Prince TaiZiTaibao, who was named Marquis. He moved from GuangZhou FuNan to HeYuan County of HuiZhou, he married He surname in HeYuan County, and married Feng surname in XinHui, they had 3 sons, the 1st son YiYuan, the 2nd son YiSheng, and the 3rd son YiJun.Zhun and his wife He surname were buried together in HeYuan County HuiZhou. The local name is QiShanBaoYaXiaChiXingSaiShangXue, marked by stone pillars.Feng surname was buried outside the West Gate of XinHui County, WanShou temple of TaiHua Mountain, The local name is GouLianGang, and their 1st grandson GongZhao and his wife Li surname were buried in the grave.

Gender: MaleMale

Death: Yes