崇徏ChongZhi 鄺 Kuang ‏(Fong)‏ 二十二世本祖The twenty-second generation direct ancestors 天仰四子Tianyang's #4 son 二十二世本祖The twenty-second generation direct ancestors, 天仰四子Tianyang's #4 son  ‏(I153)‏
Given Names: 崇徏ChongZhi
Surname: 鄺 Kuang ‏(Fong)‏
Name Suffix: 二十二世本祖The twenty-second generation direct ancestors, 天仰四子Tianyang's #4 son
Romanized: ChongZhi Kuang
Note: 崇徏先生出生于清雍正庚戌年‎(西元1730年)‎八月初五日酉時,死於清乾隆甲辰年(西元1784)三月十四日酉時。李氏生清雍正庚戌年(西元1730年)九月十二日戌時,死於清乾隆己亥年(西元1779年)十二月十五日辰時。他的墓在嶺背豬母嶺山頂,作天螺形口上穴。Mr.ChongXi was born in 1730 and died in 1784. Li surname was born in 1730 and died in 1779.Mr.ChongXi’s tomb is located on the top of the mountain at LingBeiZhuMuLing, its called LuoXingKouShangXue.

Gender: MaleMale

Birth: 5 August 1730
Death: 14 March 1784 ‏(Age 53)‏