愛有 AiYou "号 仁甫,pseudonym is Renfu. 諱 兆慈,Hide name is Zhaoci." 鄺 Kuang ‏(Fong)‏ 二十五世本祖 The twenty-fifth generation direct ancestor 恩集四子 EnJi's #4 son  ‏(I16)‏
Given Names: 愛有 AiYou
Surname: 鄺 Kuang ‏(Fong)‏
Name Suffix: 二十五世本祖 The twenty-fifth generation direct ancestor 恩集四子 EnJi's #4 son
Nickname: 号 仁甫,pseudonym is Renfu. 諱 兆慈,Hide name is Zhaoci.
Romanized: AiYou Kuang
Note: 愛有先生生於清道光癸巳年(西元1833年)五月二十一日子時,死於清光緒癸巳年(西元1893年)八月十四日辰時。朱氏生於清道光壬寅年(西元1841年)十月初九日辰時,死於民國三年(西元1914年)甲寅歲十一月十一日巳時。愛有先生是清朝國學生,大鎮祖祠左座十七級右第四位為公牌位。Mr.AoYou was born in 1833 and died in 1893. Zhu surname was born in 1841 and died in 1914. Mr.AiYou is Qing Dynasty students. dazhen zuchi left seat at the 17th level and the 4th place in the public board.

Gender: MaleMale

Birth: May 1832 37
Death: August 1892 ‏(Age 60)‏