領所 LingSuo "號 廣勝,pseudonym is Guangsheng" 鄺 Kuang ‏(Fong)‏ 十八世本祖The eighteenth generation direct ancestors 心月三子Xinyue's #3 son  ‏(I163)‏
Given Names: 領所 LingSuo
Surname: 鄺 Kuang ‏(Fong)‏
Name Suffix: 十八世本祖The eighteenth generation direct ancestors 心月三子Xinyue's #3 son
Nickname: 號 廣勝,pseudonym is Guangsheng
Romanized: Lingsuo Kuang
Note: 他的墓在淡村朱姓水西窯步,稱作飛鵝下蓢形。李氏的墓在三合官步遊魚,與自強先生的妻子黃氏合葬在同一個墓,稱作遊魚踴浪形,他的子孫居住在蟹村西社、松山、河邊、山塘甯、黃坭坑、耳環坑、金華裡、水松蓢、鵝凹,有一部分子孫遷移到中山縣。His tomb is located in ZhuXingShuiXiYaoBu in DanCun, its named FeiErXiaLangXing. Li surnae's tomb is located in SanHeGuanBuYouYu, its buried with Mr.ZiQiang's wife Huang surname. It is called YouYuYongLangXing. Some of his descendants live in XieCunXiShe, SongShan, HeBian, ShanTangNing, HuangNiKeng, ErHuanKeng, JinHuaLi, ShuiSongLang and ErAo. Some of them migrated to ZhongShan County. 心月三子領所,字廣勝,明處士,娶李氏,生二子,隆鈺(號國奇)、隆璽(號國植,無嗣)。領所葬在水西口飛鵝形,妣李氏失錄。XinYue's 3rd son, LingSuo, style name is GuangSheng, He is a talented but unwilling official in Ming Dynasty. He married Li surname, and they had 2 sons, LongYu ‏(style name is GuoQi)‏ and LongXi ‏(style name is GuoZhi, no descendants)‏. LingSuo was buried in ShuiXiKou, called FeiEXing, and his wife Li surname's birth and death records were lost.

Gender: MaleMale

Death: Yes