雲秀 Yunxiu 鄺 Kuang ‏(Fong)‏ 八世本祖The eighth generation direct ancestor 天錫次子 Tianxi's #2 son 八世本祖The eighth generation direct ancestor, 天錫次子 Tianxi's #2 son  ‏(I185)‏
Given Names: 雲秀 Yunxiu
Surname: 鄺 Kuang ‏(Fong)‏
Name Suffix: 八世本祖The eighth generation direct ancestor, 天錫次子 Tianxi's #2 son
Romanized: Yunxiu Kuang
Note: 雲秀先生曾經擔任江西即昂縣縣令,帶著宣一王、宣二王、宣三王,回歸故鄉沖雲圩,在當風廟裡奉侍佛祖。雲秀先生的墓在德行都十一圖上蓢,土名飯羅崗,稱作飛鵝剪草形。Mr. YunXiu once served as the county magistrate of JiangXi JiAng county, He returned to his hometown of ChongYunWei with XunYiWang , XunErWang , XunSanWang to serve Buddha in DangFeng Temple.His tomb is located at DeXingDuShiYiTuShangLang, Local name is FanLuoGang, its called FeiErJianCaoXing.公表玄孫,㳟帝時,登第進士封官文林郎,任江西縣正堂。GongBiao's great-great-grandson. He was admitted to the JinShi when Gong Emperor, His official position was WenLinLang and he was the county magistrate of JiangXi County.雲秀,娶餘氏,生兩子,士達、士發。雲秀與妣合葬在本邑德行都,土名飯籮崗高坡地面,喝作飛鵝剪草形。YunXiu, He married Yu surname, they had 2 sons, ShiDa and ShiFa. YunXiu and Yu surname were buried together in the local DeXingDuShangLangJia, the local name is High slope ground of FanLuoGang. also called FeiEJianCaoXing.

Gender: MaleMale

Death: Yes