Wai Chun Amata's great great grand father. He was from Southwest Canton China. Amata's great great grand father. He was from Southwest Canton, China.  ‏(I3)‏
Given Names: Wai
Surname Prefix: Amata's great great grandfather was Chun Wai from Southwest Canton.
Surname: Chun
Name Suffix: Amata's great great grand father. He was from Southwest Canton, China.
Show Details Note: "He came over to Hawaii during the great migration in the 1800s to work in the pineapple fields and married a Hawaiian girl. They had six children. His wife was murdered and, broken-hearted he returned to China but only took one of the children with him, his youngest son Afong. The other five remained in Hawaii and many of their descendants are there today."
"Did Chun Wai perhaps remarry and have more children? If there are any descendants still living, they would be cousins to my wife and all the other descendants in Hawaii. " --- by Fred 12/14/2020

Note: “great grandmother Lucia's father ‏(Chun Wai)‏ was a rice mill owner so they were pretty well off & had maids & she never had to work till she married great grandfather Henry Poepoe.”-- by Fred 12/15/2020
Note: "I found a newspaper clipping that said that Lucia Awai Poepoe was born in 1873 in Waikane. Her father Chun Wai was simply known as Awai. He was the first Chinese to import silk from China to Honolulu. He was the founder of Wing Wo Tai a Chinese business house. He was also credited with having raised the most rice in Hawaii during the late 1800's. I have more papers to look through and will let you know what I find."-- Wandy Lang <6776pooh@gmail.com> Thu, 17 Dec 2020

Gender: MaleMale

Birth: 2 February 1838
Death: 1919 ‏(Age 80)‏