錦龍 JinLong "字 鏘敬,Style name is Qiangjing" 鄺 Kuang ‏(Fong)‏ 二十七世弟,The twenty-seventh generation of younger brother 滋德五子 Zide's #5 son 居美國 Lived in US 二十七世弟,The twenty-seventh generation of younger brother, 滋德五子, Zide's #5 son 居美國 Lived in US  ‏(I379)‏
Given Names: 錦龍 JinLong
Surname: 鄺 Kuang ‏(Fong)‏
Name Suffix: 二十七世弟,The twenty-seventh generation of younger brother, 滋德五子, Zide's #5 son 居美國 Lived in US
Nickname: 字 鏘敬,Style name is Qiangjing
Romanized: Jinlong kuang
Note: 錦龍先生生於民國四年(西元1915年)乙卯歲七月二十一日戌時。朱氏生於民國六年(西元1917年)丁巳歲二月初四日酉時。Mr.JingLong was born in 1915. Zhu surname was born in 1917.

Gender: MaleMale