Circle Diagram:
Lily ‏(Hudson)‏ Lee Philip-May's Daughter

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TBD黄氏 滋德妻子Zide's wife滋德 ZiDe 鄺 Kuang ‏(Fong)‏ 二十六世先父祖 The twenty-sixth generation father 愛有次子 AiYou's #2 son逢清 ‏(May Hing)‏ 陳‏(Chinn)‏ 湖敬妻子‏(WooGing's wife)‏湖敬 HuJing ‏(Woo Ging)‏鄺 Kuang ‏(Fong)‏ 27世 27th generation,滋德三子 Zi De's #3 Son 二十七世 27th generation 滋德三子 ZiDe's #3 SonMay 鄺 Kuang ‏(Fong)‏ Lee 28世 28th generation 湖敬與逢清的長女 Woo Ging and May Hing's #1 DaughterPhilip Lee‎(李)‎ May's HusbandLily ‏(Hudson)‏ Lee Philip-May's Daughter

Lily (Hudson) Lee Philip-May's Daughter Circle Diagram